Take 2: Catalog Hack Cookbook Bird House


Almost two months ago, I crafted this Uncommon Goods bird house cookbook catalog hack.  You can follow the link to get the full tutorial, but here are a few fun pics from that project.


A pre-made bird house, a vintage cookbook from the thrift store, and outdoor Mod Podge made the project quick, fun, and easy.


I “cracked” myself up by using all egg-based recipes to cover the walls of the bird house.  Get it?  Cracked.  Eggs.  Cracked Eggs.  Hello?


My first challenge in the Pinterest Challenge; the walls were wider than the cookbook pages. Never fear, I MacGyvered a solution by using some painted appetizer picks.


So this is where the story previously ended.  I called it my prototype, because I wasn’t happy with the results.  It was out of proportion, and I needed to find a solution before putting this baby on display.  (This is where I resist singing a certain song by a certain housewife from New Jersey and embarrassing myself with my trash TV viewing preferences.)


I found a candle holder at the thrift store for a buck, which I just knew would make the perfect pedestal for my bird house.  So I adhered the pedestal to the bottom of the bird house using clear silicone caulk.  I also decided to flip the orientation of the cookbook so that the graphics at the top of the pages showed from the front of the bird house.

When I was satisfied with the overall look, I began applying the Mod Podge.  In between Mod Podge sessions — it took four — I used clamps to make sure that the pages and cover of the cookbook glued flat to the bird house roof.  Next step: remove the clamps and apply Mod Podge to the entire bird house one more time.


Sometimes I’m not so good at thinking through cause and effect.  Silly me, I removed the clamps from one side first.  It promptly fell off my craft table, and my perfect pedestal broke.    Arrrrrrgh!


I first tried Super Glue to fix the broken pedestal, but with no luck.  What did I do?  Turn to my trusty silicone caulk, that’s what.


All’s well that ends well.  But is this the end?  If you are being picky, you can see the repaired crack on the pedestal.  Maybe I will end up painting the pedestal to disguise it more.  Maybe I will just call it character and leave it as-is.


Besides, from some viewpoints, you can’t even see it.

Also, if you are visiting from Details or Copycat Crafts, WELCOME!  I love comments, visitors, and followers.  You can also find me on TwitterFacebookInstagram, and Pinterest.

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24 thoughts on “Take 2: Catalog Hack Cookbook Bird House

  1. Pingback: Catalog Hack: Uncommon Goods Cookbook Bird House | annumography

  2. Jenna

    Girl, you are on it! Where do you find the time to do all this! I love this bird house! It is so original! Thanks for linking up to Give Me The Goods Monday! Can’t wait to see what goods you bring next week! Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof

  3. Pingback: SeeKarenFollow: This Week | annumography

  4. Jenny

    I love this little birdhouse!! I have that same green candle holder, I was planning to paint it.

    Jenny from diywithjenandb.blogspot.com

  5. emily

    that is beautiful!!! What an amazing idea… Thanks for taking the time to link up to Tasteful Tuesdays @Nap-TimeCreations.com. I do feature round ups on Saturdays and Tuesdays now, so make sure you are following the blog in some way so you know if YOU are featured…GFC, facebook or bloglovin are my recommendations :o)

    1. annumography Post author

      Thanks Emily! I’m a longtime follower, first Google Reader and now bloglovin. I will definitely try to connect on FB, if I haven’t already.

  6. Pingback: Catalog Hack Cookbook Bird House | Copycat Crafts

  7. Pingback: We Both Need a Fresh Start: 80′s Jewelry Cabinet Rescue & Blogiversary Recap | annumography

    1. annumography Post author

      It’s doing great Jane. I brought it indoors through the winter, and it was semi-covered before. For my needs, this was a great solution. Thinking of trying it out?

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